ICT Services

Project 3.2 in the electric mobility showcase of Niedersachsen

Mapping- and Positioning-Service

1. Mapping- and Positioning-Service

Mobility is defined by the change of / movement between different places. Therefore it has a location reference in general. Location references can be displayed visually depending on the methods used to determine the position and on the available data. Furthermore they may be used for movement patterns; they provide information on temporal and territorial trends / clusters as well as other interesting statistical data.

Location services are made available in this subproject, e. g. with the following functions:

  • Mapping-Service to display localizable objects (e. g. pedelecs or electric cars) on current digital road maps of Germany with a customizable expandability to relevant Points of Interest (POI, e. g. charging stations, garages)
  • Routing-Service for optimized route planning, customized to different user groups (e.g. a pedelec may use different ways than an electrical car)
  • Functions for geofencing: leaving a pre-defined area causes predetermined activities

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2. Isochrones-Service

Electric vehicles demand different user behaviour than petrol-driven vehicles. Specific reasons are the relatively long charging time, the limited cruising range and an insufficient charging infrastructure.

The Isochrones-Service is based on the Mapping- and Positioning-Service and provides all destinations which are reachable from any location within a certain time (so called isochrones). Vice versa it can determine the required time to cover specified routes. One field of application is, for example, the graphical display of all reachable charging stations depending on the available battery power.